Megacities have to downsize

UN blames supersized cities for the world's social ills
- Dateline
- 15 March 2039
In a sweeping move, the United Nations has ordered the 75 largest megacities in the world to come up with strategies to radically reduce their urban populations.
“It’s just not sustainable to have more and more cities of over 30 million people,” said the Secretary General. “Something has to be done, and quickly, it’s become a human rights issue!”
And it’s no joke either. Systems just can’t cope with so many inhabitants. Services are in disarray and some inner-city areas resemble apocalypse movies, under the control of drug lords and armed gangs.
Urban decay is a laugh compared to the problems we now face in these huge metro sprawls. Skyscraper farms and other innovations have helped, but humanity was not designed to be in such close proximity. We all need more space.
Social discontent is part of the problem, but eco-sustainability demands that we make some changes, soon. The megacities of the future will have to be smaller and more manageable.
Without radical adjustment, the problems of climate change and energy shortages of previous decades will seem like small potatoes when this crisis reaches tipping point!
Powerful players like Shanghai and Mumbai are resisting this move, claiming they should have their own UN representatives. After all, they are bigger than many countries.
Links to related stories
- Are megacities sustainable? - ZD Net, 9 November 2011
- World Population Will Explode by 2025 with Influx of 'Megacities' of 10 Million People or More - Fox News, 20 December 2007
- MindBullet: SKYSCRAPER FARMS SOLVE URBAN FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN (Dateline: 1 May 2030, Published: 25 October 2007)
- MindBullet: THE NEW ECONOMIC WAR: CITY VS CITY (Dateline: 14 January 2015, Published: 31 July 2008)
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