Provocative Scenarios

Provocative Scenarios 2024

We know you can’t predict the future – but you can identify signals and develop scenarios that might play out over the years and decades to come.

These scenarios serve to highlight potential pitfalls and challenges for your business of today, as well as identify possible opportunities for your business of tomorrow – which is what we’re really interested in!

We asked Google’s NotebookLM to host an in-depth discussion about our Provocative Scenarios series and were amazed by the result. Listen here.

Some of our provocative scenarios might be considered eminently plausible, while others might be dismissed as too far-fetched, or just plain crazy! Read them all and decide for yourself.

Javier Milei
Resurrecting Argentina: The Milei Revolution and the battle for the future
Flying Taxis
Flying taxis: Who will win the electric air taxi race?
The 2 robot home
Keeping up with the Khans: The two-robot household becomes the latest status symbol
A thousand future thoughts

Every Thursday, Futureworld produces Mindbullets: News from the Future

– a way to spark strategic thinking about leadership, innovation and digital disruption.

Our Mindbullets scenarios are designed to challenge conventional mindsets and promote understanding of the future context for business, to help you design and create your business of tomorrow.

To receive news from the future, sign up now.

Life gets smart
Deserted diner
Fast food takes a body blow
Space food
Solving the million ton space puzzle

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