Vivienne Ming
Entrepreneur, Keynote Speaker & Neuroscientist
A tour de force in multiple fields, Dr. Vivienne Ming is a world-renowned entrepreneur, academic, futurist keynote speaker, and neuroscientist. With an unwavering commitment to harnessing human potential, she has dedicated her life to fostering the personal transformations that can take place once that potential is unleashed.
Her extensive work in neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and entrepreneurship has solidified her status as a Futureworld Keynote Speaker and an authority in areas that are pivotal for the future of business and society. Notable accomplishments include her co-founding of Socos Labs, an institute dedicated to exploring human capacity and cognitive neuroscience, and her recognition as one of the BBC’s 100 Women in 2017.
Dr. Vivienne Ming’s passion for maximizing human potential and fostering personal transformations has been the driving force behind her illustrious career. After completing her PhD, she held a joint postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley, later joining the latter as a research scientist and visiting scholar.
Throughout her career, Vivienne has challenged poor education and health policies and demonstrated that traditional hiring metrics have little bearing on workplace success. This led to a collaboration with Accenture to train staff to be more creative.
She co-founded Socos Labs, where machine learning and cognitive neuroscience are utilized to maximize students’ life outcomes. Vivienne has also published research on AI in education and developed “Muse,” a machine learning-based tool for parents that recommends activities to support young people’s creativity, motivation, and emotional intelligence.
Her research has shown that psychological constructs such as metacognition, socio-emotional competence, creativity, and curiosity significantly affect long-term life outcomes, including health, productivity, education attainment, and life satisfaction.
In addition to her work at Socos, Vivienne is a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley’s Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, where she conducts research in neuroprosthetics. In her personal time, she developed a predictive model for managing her diabetic son’s glucose levels and systems to predict manic episodes in bipolar sufferers.
Vivienne sits on the boards of StartOut, The Palm Center, Emozia, and the Bay Area Rainbow Daycamp and serves as an advisor to Credit Suisse, Cornerstone Capital, and BayesImpact. A vocal advocate for LGBT inclusion and gender equality in technology, she resides in Berkeley, CA, with her wife and co-founder and their two children.