Wouldn't you like to get paid just for thinking?
- Dateline
- 22 June 2018
We’re all part of a massive super computer. A global network of brains. No, we haven’t been assimilated into the Matrix, but we may as well have been!
We’re all willing participants in a gigantic system that mines our attention, getting us to contribute some fraction of our spare cognitive capacity. We respond with comments, likes, votes, tweets, answers. Sometimes we create highly entertaining, original videos and stories, just because we can.
There are billions of brains on the internet, and most of us have a few minutes to spare. Crowdsourcing taps into this cognitive surplus, generating new ideas and innovative solutions. More and more companies are offering rewards and incentives to use our brains, but the vast majority of algorithms and analytics engines simply mine our publicly shared data and online behaviour for free.
Have you even considered how much your online activities contribute to the growing body of content and global data? As individuals, the stuff we share is seldom valuable, unless it’s warning our friends of hazards on the highway.
But aggregated from billions, we create the maps, traffic patterns, wikis and digital data that feed the algorithms and systems that power the internet giants. We are Google, and Facebook, and Twitter. All of us. Without us, they are nothing!
Now you can get paid for your micro-contributions online. CompuMan, a new blockchain app from the Human Computation Institute, will track all your shares and likes, comments and feedback, images and video; and ensure that the value that ultimately gets created, also gets shared with you.
Pietro Michelucci says: “Our potential to dramatically change the world is in our hands, provided that human cognition can be efficiently harnessed on a global scale. Think of it as Uber for your brain; and sign up now!”
Warning: Hazardous thinking at work
Despite appearances to the contrary, Futureworld cannot and does not predict the future. Our Mindbullets scenarios are fictitious and designed purely to explore possible futures, challenge and stimulate strategic thinking. Use these at your own risk. Any reference to actual people, entities or events is entirely allegorical. Copyright Futureworld International Limited. Reproduction or distribution permitted only with recognition of Copyright and the inclusion of this disclaimer.