Provocative Scenarios 2023
We can’t predict the future, but we can look at disruptive forces for clues as to what might happen in the next several years.
With recent advances in medical technology, space exploration, logistics, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and 3D printing, we’ve compiled several provocative scenarios to consider.
Some of our provocative scenarios might be considered eminently plausible, while others might be dismissed as too far-fetched, or just plain crazy! Read them all and decide for yourself.

Three Score and Forty: 80 is the new 60

Rise of the machine makers: Science replaces manufacturing as the big economic driver

The Age of Creation: The end of the extraction economy

Every Thursday, Futureworld produces Mindbullets: News from the Future
– a way to spark strategic thinking about leadership, innovation and digital disruption.
Our Mindbullets scenarios are designed to challenge conventional mindsets and promote understanding of the future context for business, to help you design and create your business of tomorrow.
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